#c161da basic color information


In the RGB color model, hex triplet #c161da has decimal index of: 12673498, is composed of 75.7% red, 38% green and 85.5% blue. #c161da in CMYK color model, is composed of 11.5% cyan, 55.5% magenta, 0% yellow and 14.5% black.
#cc66cc is the closest web-safe color to #c161da.

Color #c161da copy/paste

#c161da color details and conversion

The hexadecimal triplet #c161da definition is: Red = 193, Green = 97, Blue = 218 or CMYK: Cyan = 0.11467889908257, Magenta = 0.55504587155963, Yellow = 0, Black = 0.14509803921569

Color schemes generator for #c161da

In color theory, a color scheme is the choice of colors used in design.

#c161da #7ada61
#b7da61 #c161da #61da85
#61dac1 #c161da #dac161
#61b7da #c161da #da8561
#61dac1 #c161da #da617a #7ada61
#61dacb #a2da61 #c161da #dab761 #61da7a

Analogous colors

They are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. Analogous colors tend to look pleasant together, because they are closely related.

#61da99 #61dac1 #61cbda #61a2da #617ada #7061da #9961da #c161da #da61cb #da61a2 #da617a #da7061 #da9961 #dac161 #cbda61


Shades are created by decreasing luminance in HSL color model, and tints by increasing it. The next step for shades is #000 and for tints is #fff.

#b441d3 #a12dbf #8625a0 #6b1e80 #511660 #360f40 #1b0720
#c975df #d189e3 #d89ce8 #e0b0ed #e8c4f1 #f0d8f6 #f7ebfa

HTML and CSS #c161da - color usage

Sample HTML/CSS paragraph codes using #c161da color.

Background color of this paragraph is #c161da

Text color of this paragraph is #c161da

Border color of this paragraph is #c161da